Ridiculously fucking hot.
That dude is fuckin smoking. Let's order him a few more pints so we can get it on.
by cryogenic stasis November 22, 2004
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1. An unbelieveable lie.
Synonyms: Bullshit, horseshit, a lie. Refers to an outrageous lie.

2. Literally anything else if said in the right tone of voice. Anything.

Also pronounced smooke, smeek, shmeee, shmiggity, or anything else that has an s or an h or some sort of vowel anywhere in it.

Antonym: No-smoke.
Box-Wine: "Colin, I met up with that hot cheerleader last night and we fucked."
Colin: "Smoke."
Box-Wine: "No-smoke, legitimately"
Colin: "Smooooooooke."
by Bradley J. September 18, 2005
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Refers to marijuana and how/what is consumed.
"You bring any smoke witcha brudda?"
"Keen to go for a smoke?"
"I held that bong in for so long that no smoke came out when I exhaled."
by Diego September 11, 2003
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1. To inhale gases and particles directly through the mouth from a lit sources of tobacco.
2. Shoot
3. To speed pass another driver, as if in a race.
1. "Mind if I smoke this cigarette?"
2. "I'm gonna smoke your ass like a blunt"
3. "Past that grass cuz, blood... I'm gonna smoke your ass.
by hks December 6, 2003
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(loc dog)Ay grandma,you betta stay out my indo befo i smoke yo ass!
(grandma)Oh go fuk yourself nigga
by mike-loves August 11, 2006
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