Used in a outhouse during winter to knock down the frozen feces piling up near the opening.
I was afraid to sit on the seat until I used the shit stick to knock over the frozen poop
by Humpbacks February 5, 2016
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1) slang for fecal matter

2) referring to the penis after unprotected anal sex
1) hey man ill be over in a bit, i just need to drop off some shit sticks

2) after i finished i slapped her on the ass with my shit stick
by Kompster October 16, 2009
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A twig used when you stand in dog shit to flick the larger bits off
I just stood in the biggest dog shit ever. Look how much poo is on this shitstick
by The Daddy March 13, 2003
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The ancient art of penetrating a female's unsanitised rectum with one's penis before withdrawing and lying back while said female cleans the now soiled tool with her tongue.
"Hey bitch, clean my shit stick"
by Phil shane October 24, 2007
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When your cock is covered in shit after anal
Fucked that bitch in her ass and now I got a shit stick
by Niggy Azalea July 16, 2019
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1. The condition of a penis after anal sex.

2. Reference to the individual in a LGBT relationship that is taking the "traditional" male role.
"I know my girlfriend wants to try anal because she's afraid of getting pregnant. Little does she know, I'm more afraid of getting Shit Stick."

Guy 1: "Dude! Did you see Dave and Mark holding hands last night?"
Guy 2: "Sure did. That was quite a shock huh?"
Guy 1: "No doubt... So which one do you think is the Shit Stick?"
Guy 2: "More than likely Dave. He smelled like Fish Eggs when I walked past him last night.
by SERAPHIM June 17, 2018
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