A city in Oregon, in-between Portland and Eugene, pretty darn normal and boring.
This place reminds me of Salem, Oregon, it's normal and not exciting.
by Aaaaaaaaaaah this is silly! March 13, 2011
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A small town shaped like a glove. Thats how we remember how to find ourselves on large maps. There all a lot of road and a lot of pot-holes. There's also a lot of pot. The town is divided into two parts, North Salem and South Salem. They should divide the town in two seperate towns because the Northern part is rich, the Southern part is influenced by drugs and is pretty much like a part of Massachussetts. The school systems are great, until you reach High School. Salem High School is great education wise, but is the number one drug trafficing school in NH. On a good note, Salem was ranked the 85th best town to live in, in 2007 according to CNNMoney.com. On Saturday you rarely see a NH license plate, there are soo many Mass cars. That because we have no sales tax. Salem is popular for its mall.
Kid 1: I wanna live in Salem NH

Salem Resident: No you dont buddy.
by SystemofaDownandClutch December 7, 2009
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City in Utah that's not really interesting unless you find a high school interesting.
We are the Salem Hills Skyhawks. Sang in Salem UT.
by Grandpa Jorge February 14, 2011
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City of about 150,000 in West-Central North Carolina. It started as a tobacco town, and is the home or R.J. Reynolds Tobacco--makers of Camel, Winston and Salem cigarettes. Also famous for being the home of Wake Forest University and North Carolina School of the Arts. Krispy Kreme Doughnuts also started here about 70 years ago.
The home to one of two surviving Moravian communities in the country, and the Old Salem historical district is literally a 18th-Century town in the middle of the city.

Still very much a small southern town; city government has a fear of expansion and growth, and the "good old boys" still run things.
"I am going to Winston-Salem to buy some doughnuts and cigarettes."
by Hippydude April 18, 2005
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Player1: 'TP/LO'
Player2: 'No problem.'
*The day after*
Player2 died. They were shot by a Veteran. Their role was Bodyguard.
That player's an idiot, calling TP/LO as Veteran, but I can't really rage about that because that's literally every player in Town of Salem
by DEMON!C November 25, 2020
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A beautiful, kind, sexy, independent women she is loveable and a great girlfriend she is so amazing. She is literally wifey material
You remind me of a “Salem Winchiso
by The best person to ever exist November 26, 2021
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If you were to picture a quintessential Southern campus, Salem College would be it. The oldest women's institution in the nation boasts not only its history and beauty, but also its student body of smart, independent women that work hard and play harder. Unlike other all-women schools, Salem balances brains with beauty--- and has a healthy dose of both. So if you want a Southern girl whose daddy has money but who doesn't feel the need to broadcast it by wearing Lily Pulitzer and Lacoste all the time, come to Salem. You can rest assure that these girls have more important things to worry about than who can dress the cutest. After all, Hollins, Sweet Briar, Meredith, Peace, and RMWC girls will work for them one day...Vera Bradleys and all.
by yall42 November 8, 2004
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