To be so angry that it almost hurts. As you would be if your teats actually being caught in the ringers of an old washing machine.

Also a state of anger that keeps getting worse. Much like the pain would if the teats & ringer could not be disengaged.

Not the same as "panties in a bunch." This should used for times when the person is merely annoyed.
You did what? I'll bet that put her tits in a (the) ringer.
Then her teats went in the ringer and I had to bail.
by johnelmo August 26, 2009
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when someone sits behind Chuck Norris in a movie theater and forgets to turn their cell phone off.
darth vader forgot to turn off his cell phone in the theater. now they call him the dead ringer
by anon84392021 August 31, 2009
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adj. a laboratory sciences practical exam, usually given by overtly anally-retentive science professors who hold onto the fallacy that competence is demonstrated not from careful analysis, but lightning fast calculations. Anyone who excels at writing bell-ringers, has been trained to be so overconfident about their calculations, that they never recheck their numbers, and stands a good chance at eventually killing someone or something by over-administering some fatal dose because of their hubris.
I'm not ready for that bell-ringer on Monday, but maybe if I load up on amphetamine, I might squeak by with a 60.
by scootermcbean October 16, 2011
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When you fuck someone up the ass. Sometimes it leaves a brown ring around your dick.
"Dude, why is your girlfriend walking funny?"

"Cuz she just gave me a brown ringer! Wanna see?"

"Man, go wash that shit off!"
by CrazyJay June 11, 2009
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In old england people would be accidentally buried alive. When they finally realized this they decided to tie a bell to their wrist this way they could ring it if they were alive once buried. those who watched the graves at night is where they got the phrase "Graveyard Shift".
We've got a dead ringer.
by snowflake28 February 9, 2008
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