Reet is someone who is very harsh from outside but deep down has an extremely soft heart and worries about everyone he is the best at manipulating people and his female bestfriend will be very lucky unfortunately she will have to face a lot of trouble because a person name reet is extremely introvert and a typical nerd and has a very good patience level but she would never want to leave him
How unlucky he/se seems like but nah he/she isn't he/she has reet.....
by Selfloveisbestlove November 23, 2021
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Short version of 'Retard' which was created by a brother and sister in order to avoid get in trouble by their hispanic strict parents for 'swearing'.

Said 'REAT'
Shut up you reet!
OMG D Alberto Ramos you are such a reet!
by De Guadalupe September 5, 2011
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A person who walks around in class a lot. Lots of people are upset when reet Walks through the door.
Reet can also be funny and annoying.
Girl: Hey who's that she is annoying
Boy: Oh that's Reet She is REALLY annoying
Girl: yeah she is
by Taco_pug January 17, 2020
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Reet is a word or exclamation commonly used when surprised or shocked but can be used in pain aswell. Normally used in a bad situation.
Me:(drop kicked in balls) REET,or,REEEEEEEEEET
by Your nans wifes sisters dog January 22, 2019
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Yo shut up, you're such a reet.
by RubberBandLegs November 21, 2018
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U.S. military term, more specifically in the Air Force, used to describe someone who knows nothing outside the military. They live on their knees with the dicks and jizz of leadership in their mouth. They live and die by regulations. Don’t ever get caught with hands in your pocket or a string hanging off your uniform with a Reet nearby.
SSgt Dickhole is a god damn Reet

Look at those reets correcting uniform discrepancies. Nothing gets me more fired up bud!
by Reet God January 23, 2018
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