A Hayleyism...

Used to describe something nasty or unpleasant.
That cheese is rank, you fukin bellend.
by ChrisBa May 24, 2005
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1. To defeat someone an incredibly large extent

2. To surpass someone by embarrassing them

3. At times, can be used interchangeably with pwn
When my I proved my father wrong, he became very angry because he knew I ranked him.

While I was playing video games with my friends, I ranked everyone so badly that no one wanted to play with me afterward.
by XxBollWeevilxX March 25, 2009
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Something that looks or smells disgusting
"That perfume is rank."
by Halley P. November 25, 2005
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That RANK was a total badass. He came at that assasin like a spider monkey.
by leroyalrankness January 25, 2013
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a word used to describe sumthing/sum1 dirty, disgusting,ugly, gross and a bit deroish.
"that guy was heaps rank"
by ruler of the world!!! hahahaha February 10, 2004
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Horrible like clothing that is horrible or food.
"That pizza smells rank."
by notaminger! August 17, 2005
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Meaning something smells/looks super ugly.
Man, she is rank!!
Could he be anymore rank??
by Mallory October 14, 2004
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