Everyone who thinks that popular people are rich sluts who sleeps around must've said that because they're drowing in jealousy. Honestly, you guys are the real bitches here for stereotyping us after watching a couple lameass shows that displays 'popular' people as heartless individuals. Get out more and don't judge us when all you do is just stare at us from afar.

Yeah the majority of us wear fashionable clothes, so what? We can afford it and it's pretty so we buy it. You don't have to crap all over us because we choose to have a certain style. If you still want to then go ahead, just do it face to face instead of cowering behind a barrier. Because from what I've seen, most of the insults are found online instead of actually said to us.

You think we're bitches? Well I'm sorry you feel that way. I'm also sorry that you guys are so hypocritical. But verbally attempting to bash us for judging the unpopular while you freely judge us isn't very sweet of you either.

Just to clear things up, we aren't stupid because we're popular. Many of us get on the honour roll and do care about our grades. There are a few popular people who get lower than average grades but then again, so do unpopular people.

Many of us are attractive and if you think that it's conceited for us to acknowledge that, then you're a bit messed up in the head. We're pretty and keep up with our appearance. Apparently we're sluts for doing that as well. Frankly I don't see what's wrong with improving or keeping up with something that's boastworthy. It's like if you get into a smart program, you'd study more because you get a sense of pride knowing that you have something that not everyone has.

When guys flirt with us, we flirt back (unless we're taken). If we want something we'd do what we could to achieve it. Just like what you people would. We wouldn't bully people or attack people for no reason. But if someone majorly ticks us the wrong way, it's only natural to fight back.

I don't understand why some of you have a problem as to why we stick to the same group. And that if we don't hang with the less popular we're bitches. Wake up people. You have your own 'groups' and sit at your own table, I suppose that makes you a bitch too then?

But even despite all this, I find it amusing how y'all try to attack us from every angle. If you spot a flaw you'd expose it. It's a shame we ain't ever going down any time soon.
popular people are beautiful, fun, well educated, etc.
by perfectscandal March 9, 2006
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somebody who is well known.
usually called bitchy/nasty/slaggy. but usually actually a nice person.
people often think just because somebodys popular they will end up being a looser the rest of their lives.
given a lot of respect to their face, but behind their backs often slagged off.
geek: "look at that popular person, shes just guna end up workin in mc donalds"
by leah December 6, 2003
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When you are either very nice, very funny or both, you make lots of friends. Having lots of friends means you are popular. You can tell who is popular because they are well known characters in the school, due to having so many friends.
"Jenny lent me her biology book, isn't that nice?"
"Yeah, and she's so funny too!"
"No wonder she's so popular."
by shesjustarascal September 10, 2005
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The cool kids at school who have big houses, cool cars like an Escalade, and wear name brand clothing like Abercrombie & Fitch. They makefun of or just ignor losers, goth's, and nerd's, and the bitchy
freaks go tell the principal. Popular kids go to all the cool parties. THey are the kids everyome wants to hangout with.
Lunch time at a high school.

Popular Guy (talking to GF) - Hey babe, do you want to go shopping at A&F tonight?

Popular Girl - Yeah, then we can go parking, what car do you want to bring, Your Escalade or my Mustang?

Popular Guy - The Escalade, it has more room to bounce around.

A goth walks over to there table.

Goth - Have you seen my black pet ferret running around here?

Popular Girl - OMG Get away from me, you ugly goth loser.

Popular Guy - Why don't you go do something like cut holes in your stomach or drink blood or something, because my girlfriend is getting upset and when she gets upset I get Pissed and beat the shit out of losers like you.

Goth - You are just Popular because you are rich and good looking!

The Goth runs to his house and finds a spell book.

Late that night when the popular kids are makeing love in their Escalade they knock over an Abercrombie & Fitch Bag full of cloths, witch knoks the car out of park. The SUV rolls down the street and hertles over a cliff.
by asdefghjkl July 5, 2005
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For girls, popularity is basically this:

When other girls want to be you, and guys want to bang you.

Sad, but true! I'd rather not be "popular"
Girl: "Oooh I wish I were as popular as her! She's so pretty!"

Guy: "Damn, that girl's fine!"
by BarbieChik May 26, 2005
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Popular means to have many friends and be well known for all the wrong reasons.
A Few Examples are,
Girls that have big boobs and a nice body are popular for being a slut. Then theres boys that are really cute and have sex with everygirl in school. yea really popular
by Allieatombomb August 29, 2006
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Some popular people are nice, funny, cool, and good at sports. Other popular kids are not funny, fake, and suck at life. It really depends on the person.
Popular Kid A is nice, funny as hell, and plays varsity basketball, Popular Kid B is such a fake ass bitch, who sits around and does crack.
by Jersey Kid January 25, 2008
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