Geting beat verry badly in a sport, game, orpersonal endeavor.
Dude I poned your ass in Super Smash Bros.!!!!!!!!!!
by Abel Salazar, II March 28, 2007
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Also "poning noobies," meaning owning someone that is new to a website or online game, mainly used by idiots who have nothing better to do than play Warcraft or RuneScape.
"Last night on RuneScape, I was totally poning some idiot noobies that didn't even know how to chop wood.
by ******** May 9, 2006
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The act of losing badly in a game.
The inexperienced player was poned by the veteran.
by Mercer October 29, 2003
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A term used in the computer game Counter-Strike indicating that one of the opposing players has gotten killed and severely got beaten. Everybody used to say "owned" until someone mispelled it by accidentally putting a "p" instead of an "o" making the word look like "pwned" but people just decided to say "poned" because it sounds much cooler.
Dude, I just totally poned you!
by Dana Lee May 28, 2005
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Harman got poned by Nicholas in Madden

Harman: 0

Nicholas: 53
by falcons#1 February 8, 2008
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To rock... like a lot.... like Hardcore Rock...... its made of awsomeness

(also known as PWNS)
My new shoes Pone yours!
My backpack Pones!
by Jesse-ness February 26, 2008
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To consistenly try to hard when hitting on the opposite sex. To become a creep.
Adam T. got poned by the hippie girl when he tried to make out with her in the bar.
by Dimitri Nichols July 31, 2008
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