What you say when you just received sad/troubling information and your world is falling to pieces but you can't describe it.
-I have a girlfriend, sorry
- Oh.
by Lucky Haze November 5, 2017
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You have to almost shout this 'word'.
italians use that for many reasons, such as:
1. Anger
2. Greetings
3. to draw someone's attention

(also used lonely)

and other reasons i don't feel like listing.
1. OH, wtf are you doing with my phone?
2. OH, dude, how r u doin'?
3. OH, are you listening to me, man?
by imdafuq August 16, 2017
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Open House. A house in which no parental units currently occupy.The OH is notoriously used for teenagers to engage in activities of questionable legality.
Yo man i got an OH all day wanna come over and smoke weed?
by Old AP April 15, 2008
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being honestly and naturally amazing. Nobody can compare when you are set next to them
Lilly: Oh man that girl is so Will-OH.

Billy: OMG you're right, i wonder if her siblings are as Will-OH as she is.
by Fabian69123 June 12, 2008
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1. When a moron realises his stupidity and can’t do anything about it

2. When you generally don’t give a fuck about something
Guy 1: It my bday today
Guy 2: Oh.
by u wish u were me :) October 23, 2023
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