Tiny town in south eastern New Hampshire with one road in, one road out. There is one set of lights, approximately 11 streetlights, and a gas station. However, the gas station does have ice cream, pizza, and a general store... so they don't totally live in the dark. The town had an epidemic a few centuries ago killing off many of the residents. Since then, its been built back up with transplants mostly from Methuen. Really. Ask the neighbors. Chances are they are from Methuen too.

Danville is super-quiet and with only two cop cars... if they are parked behind the station, chances of getting pulled over on the way home are pretty slim.
Danville NH is teeny tiny and has virtually no business.
by Chalet May 3, 2008
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The armpit of New Hampshire. Its filled with trashy white kids who think they're tough shit.
Yea dude there was this white boy there from Rochester, NH. He started talkin' mad shit yo. So ya know dawg i hadda smack a ho.
by Ya Gay June 6, 2011
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National Hangover Service Direct (hangover can mean come down)

You know the morning after the night before when you wake up and your head is pounding, your mouth is like a camel's ass and your stomach is doing loops. If you haven't been sick the night before you are now and looking at food makes you wanna puke all over the place. You can't believe that this foul painful feeling could simply be caused by a few innocent sweet drinks so convinced you are dying you go on nhs direct.
After typing your symptoms into the search engine it will come out with an illness that matches but isn't a hangover. Perfect. Now you can tell everyone this is what is wrong with you making you the victim not the perpetrator and meaning you don't have to go to work and worry for 8 hours about if you are going to vomit on a customer.
Also good for finding illnesses to excuse feeling generally shit that will get you out of work/college.
*weak feeble voice* Sorry Boss, I won't be in today I have Gastroenteritis. It's like food poisoning but it's a bug, I'll be off a couple of days. I spoke to NHS Direct and they recommended complete bedrest Sorry. You heard I was in L2 last night, yeh I went out for one quick one but I felt so rough I went home early. Yeh I know it sucks, see you in 4 days time.
by Ro-ro January 15, 2007
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A place of about 3,000 where downtown consists of the middle school and a church. GHOP use to be downtown til it burned. Known for its farms that it doesnt even really ahve
hey wanna go to greenland,nh and do a little cow tippin bro?
by cowwtipppppinmofo September 3, 2010
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An oasis consisting of New Hampshire's 13,000 most privileged residents. In the past 20 years, nearly all of the town's development has been carried out for one single goal: to keep anyone making a salary under $90,000 out. As one would expect, "Windhamite" children have reputations for being rich brats. Almost every single Windham family owns more than one house, more than four cars, a few four-wheelers, a boat, and a country club membership. The new Windham High School gives each of its students free macbooks as part of their "21st century learning" curriculum.
Person 1: Man, Chelsea sure is a spoiled bitch.

Person 2: Yeah, that's 'cause she's from Windham, NH.
by NoMoreMoney September 26, 2010
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A small town located in the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Home to an excessive number of unintelligent, wanna-be rednecks. Contains one high school in which 99% of the students have known each other since they were 5, and there is no such thing as personal issues, because within a week the entire school and the majority of the town will know. A town with less than 5,000 people, and 12 cops whose sole goal seems to be hounding the local teenage population. A place where everyone knows everyone (and probably slept with them at some point) and in the summer the the tourists outnumber the locals 10:1. Oh yea, it's fantastic.
Hey man, ever been up to Moultonborough, NH? No? Good, the cops there are douches and in the summer you'll wanna blow your brains out because of all the tourists.
by Sadly I live here April 4, 2011
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this town is most likely the shittiest town you will ever stumble upon. it is filled with idiotic hicks, dumbasses, and gangster wannabes. only a select few people in this town actually have a brain.
pembroke, nh is wicked dumb dude.
by bpizzlez September 17, 2009
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