in 1976 the word mung was described to me as the stuff that runs down a pregnant womans legs after you hit her in the stomach with a baseball bat about 20 times...this matches the south park reference and as frank zappa would say "vile and pernicous",
the beauty of truly disgusting words is that once you hear the meaning you have heard enough,mung
by ekim live July 23, 2006
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Any vile or disgusting substance. Named after the actual definition which is the fluids that come out of a recently dead woman usually a nice cocktail of embalming fluid and leftover bodily fluids. Elderly women over 60 are preferred for this but beggars can't be choosers.

To get it you must go to a cemetery with very liberal security and a buddy you trust enough to commit breaking and entering with. You will also need said buddy to help you dig up the grave. Once you've hit pay dirt and found the corpse you put your lips around the vagina of the dead woman and have your buddy jump off a tombstone and onto the corpse's stomach and wait for the mung to splash up into your mouth.
Ewww Jessica just stepped in mung while wearing flip-flops.
by DennisIsEvil October 20, 2006
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The accumulation of grease, hand lotion, dead skin, hair, Diet Coke, and food crumbs that accumulates on the rollers inside a computer mouse.
I had to go into Sherry's office about every four or five weeks and scrape the mung off the rollers in her mouse, when elsewhere in the department, this practice was necessary maybe once every eight or ten months (and most people were clever enough to figure out how to do it themselves).
by Spacklepants November 16, 2006
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When a man can smell himself, particularly his ball sack region. The female version of this is called chunch.
I hadn't showered in days and my mung was kicking. My wife did not appreciate it at all.
by Drumden September 29, 2010
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Eating poo directly from the anus.
Hutch "hey carri, I'm hungry"
Carri "well u can eat my arse"

Hutch "oh cheers m8! I enjoy munging"
by Jungleman80 January 25, 2012
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An absolute meme found on discord servers.
A: Hey did you see Mung’s post on the server?
B: Yeah what the actual fuck was that?
by Mungg July 28, 2019
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