When a person older than you acts liek a little kid and post retarted definitions on a website that don't make any sense ad recive little acclaim and noone likes the joke's other than other immatures people like them selves
by Anonymous May 7, 2003
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People who spend money on eggs and don't ask you if you want them scrambled or fried; then proceed to call you immature. chicken farm shallow
" Would you like your eggs scrambled or fried today? Actually I think they would look better all over your cars; because thats not immature"
by thanksfortheeggs May 16, 2016
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A group of people who say the word "eww" too much.
"Eww, why are we so immature eww"
+ Friends
by <3cum<3 January 8, 2008
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1. The term used by girls ranging from 8th-10th grade to describe guys in their grade as an excuse for becoming sluts to college guys in a higher grade.

2. Used to describe adolescent people who don't drink alcahol, take recreational drugs, drink coffee, sneak out of their house at 1 am, have sex etc...

Kate: The guys in my grade are so immature, which is why I am going out with this new guy.

James: Do I know him, what's his name?

Kate: I don't know but he is 21, has a car and and can buy me and my friends beer

2. Brandon doesn't drink, therefore he is extremely immature
by Jason_Cali28 December 8, 2006
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A word boring people use to describe fun people
" You're so immature..." " I know."
by LovethisAJ February 10, 2015
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When Your 14 Year old son Looks up ballsack on the urban dictionary and Calls his friend a ballsack
by JudgeJudyMothafuckas May 14, 2018
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