Insane Clown Posse-Queer Motherfuckers that try to be "down with da clown" but are really stupid and gay.
Juggalo: I am down with the clown
Me: *takes out gun* *POP!!!!*
Juggalo: Shit!!!!!
by Luda Naroditskiy March 9, 2005
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The worst, least talented "musicians" of the 21st century. If you don't know who these pussies are, I'll give you a few details:

-They wear clown makeup.
-They "rap" about the stupidest, most inane things.
-They have many dumbass fans(see Juggalos) who feel that they are being "underground" by listening to pure shit.
-They have some wierd hatred for Eminem.
Juggalo: "ICP rock my cock!"
Normal person: Please...just...go away
by Ghetto Chad April 19, 2005
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HORRORCORE group consisting of Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope. Most hated music group in the world, and does not care. Because they arn't on the radio, MTV, or on television, haters of this group usually only hear about two songs, and we all know if you hear two songs of ICP, that means you can judge there music, Right?

A lot of the time though, when haters arn't hating of there music or Juggalos, they hate on the members. I've known people who don't know there names and only know them as the fat one and the wigger one. They call them retarded and such and claim that they have created a cult with there music. Claimeing that if you buy there records you will go to their heaven. Just like everything else, this is completely untrue. If they had a clue about what they were talking about, they'd know shangri'la is what juggalos want in the future for the world. No hate, no racism, nothing that ICP had to go through when they were two white boys in the ghetto of Detroit. They never claimed it is a place Juggalos go to after they die, that's just stupid. Also, haters talk about how juggalos take J's dream seriesly. That is completely retarded.

ICP's music has been described as "gay", "retarded",and "stupid". True, they do use violence and cuss words to draw attention to there music, but if you look at what there saying and not at the cuss words you would know its not all trash. Like in halls of illusians, it talks about how a drunk guy beats up his children and wife. Then J talks about how he'll fuck that guy up if he does it again. They can use all the cuss words if they want as long as they address the issue.

The whole basis of there albums is like a carnival entitie who has powers and such. The Great Milenko for one can show you all the wonders of how great the world can be, but first you have to look at the REAL world. So the music video for Halls of Illusians is a carnival ride where you see how it should be and what it really is. The Music Video for Bowling Balls is J in a basemant where he stores trophys of peoples heads, this was for Hells pitt and it basicly shows how the world is an evil place. After that they relised Shangri'la, showing that things are going to get better.

So anyway ICP = Great Band, and anywone who disagrees obviously don't know what there going for in there music, but that's ok.
Example of a haters comment:

"Pricks pricks pricks. A duo of two rednecks(IF HE HAD HEARED AN ICP SONG HE WOULD KNOW THAT IN THERE SONGS THEY ARE AGAINTS REDNECKS, RACISTS, AND STEAREOTYPES THAT YOU USE) tryin to rap, (RAP? OBVIOSLY NEVER HEARD MANY ICP SONGS) and wanting soooo much to be black yet they're white like me so they cover up their ugly faces with paint(AGAIN, OBVIOULSY NEVER HEARD MANY OF THERE SONGS, THEY NEVER, EVER COMPARE THEMSELFS, NOR SOUND LIKE ANYTHING ELSE THAT SOMEONE OF A DIFFERENT COLOR DID. THIS ISN'T EMINEM HERE). They also used to wrestlers (USED TO BE? THEY STILL ARE. OBVIOUSLY DOSN'T KNOW SHIT ABOUT ICP). I can honmestly say they are the worst music I've ever heard (HIS OPINION) that is sold as rap. ICP are gya (IMMATURE GAY JOKE), fucked up retards who should stick in metal where they belong and stay the fuck away from hip-hop (THEY DO STAY AWAY FROM HIP-HOP. IT'S HORRORCORE YOU IDIOT). These pricks alos shot to pDJ Tim westwood (...WHAT?). Oooh the big bad clowns have found daddy's gun...naughty clown (...WHAT!?)
Yours sincerley,
chief anti-fake"

So anyway, hate gets nothing but more hate. I don't care if you don't feel ICP's music and I don't care if you don't like juggalos, but hate dosn't get you shit but illusional self-esteem to the haters. And obviously, a hater would need it, right? Talking shit online? Exactly.
by Spikesy July 9, 2006
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Worst FUCKING band in the whole world. They should be lined up and get their own hatchets thrown at their heads until they die a slow and painful death. Anyone who listens to them should be beat up by little 12 year old kids cause thats all they can handle.
by Stairway Ghoul April 6, 2010
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the akronym for the Insane Clown Posse

One of the greatest groups in the world
"man did you hear that new song by ICP" "hell yeah bizzitch that shizzit was off the dizzle lot"
by jimminy cricket November 25, 2004
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Insane cock posse
A group of gay men who paint there faces like clowns to perform anonymous oral on other men while touring as A rap group,known for the glory holes on there tour bus for there followers (jugahoes) can get oral sex from the two rappers who use there followers cum as face paint
Hey man ICP is in town
Awsome I could go for A good blowjob
by Hatemonger88 September 2, 2022
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The most hated band on the planet. Also the GREATEST band ever created. Comprised of Violent J and Shaggy 2 Dope, two white boys from Detroit. Hated because they swear and use violence to get attention. Also because of misconception. Released 6 albums, known as the Joker's Cards . Let's look at this information more in depth.

(a) Hated because of misconception- Many people look at Juggalosand see a wanna-be. Let me clear this up for you.
We don't paint our faces everyday, usually only for concerts (known as gatherings) and special occasions. We are not all uneducated. I personally am an English major, can speak properly, have an extensive vocabulary, and can spell without computerized help. We are not racist, homophobic, or violent. We treat others with respect until they disrespect us. We call ourselves FAMILY because that's what we are. We are a group of people from all walks of life who found a common tie in the music of this band.

(b) The Joker's Cards Based upon a dream Violent J had, which is said to have shown what the world will become if we continue on the path we are on now. The message conveyed in these 6 albums is that we need to stop hating each other, hurting each other, and holding our prejudices. Shangri'la is said to be not Juggalo Heaven, like many believe, but what the world can be if we stop fighting and work together. It is Paradise on Earth.
ICP--- Insane Clown Posse, Wicked Juggalo's

To all of you out there hating, SUCK ON THIS BITCH, WE PSYCHOPATHIC! For all the family, MWCL. If any of ya'll wanna retaliate, or if any of the family wants to talk, Yahoo im is jagermeister.princess
by Brandi AKA Princess Juggalette November 30, 2006
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