With top Sydney hoop Corey Brown on his back, Warrior Trader showed great fighting abilities as he staved off the challenge of Michael Rodd’s mount Deuxieme, while Osca Warrior was a close up third.
by MonteZuma April 8, 2004
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A phrase used with basketball, and was overused in the 90's thanks to the song "Space Jam" and the song that accomponied it.
by DANEEE August 1, 2008
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What true playas do in their free time.
Pimp: Yo negro u done pimpin yo hoes? We gotta play some hoops ma brotha.

Playa: Yea ma nig, she ain't mean nothin to me shes just a bitch.
by B RAD G July 21, 2006
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Acronym for Highly Opinionated Older Person. A HOOP needs little provocation to tell you all about their life and the things that bother them about it. No matter what it is, they have a very specific position on it and will expound on this in paragraphs. They will sometimes ask you for advice on something and then proceed to tell you why your advice is invalid. It often seems as if their existence is based on a steady flow of complaints.
That guy talked my ears off about all his family members and what was wrong with each and every one of them, down to their political positions. Total HOOP moment.
by deusdiabolus August 10, 2011
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i: stop trying to thumb my hoop.
ii: can i touch your hoop?
iii: no gareth you cant thumb my hoop.
by hoopthumber December 15, 2010
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The act of using a hula hoop.

Hooping can be done for fitness, fun, or performance, or art.

Example 1: Hooping at festivals is always a good time.
Example 2: Let's go to the park they are going to be hooping, at the flow jam.
Example 3: I got my first smarthoop last year but I have been hooping for longer.
Example 4: Infinitecircles is a community about hoops, hoopers, and hooping.
by thoughtdeviant August 25, 2017
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