Scarf worn to hide a hickey.
Amy: "Why has she been wearing that scarf inside all day long?"
Sarah: "I'm sure it's just a hickey scarf."
by forserious22 April 9, 2009
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hickeys that happen when stupid boys suck on your lip too hard. results in a swollen, puffy lip and a purple bruise. looks AWESOME.
lip hickey
by nibbles101 December 7, 2008
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Some one who engages in arguments (IRL or on the internet) whose arguments are so stupid they dumbfound their opponent into silence, leading the arguer (the "Simon Hickey") to think they have won the argument.

The term originated from a self professed neo-nazi electrician who received extensive media coverage in Australia for his nonsensical opinions. According the Brisbane Times 'his business logo appears to feature Pepe the Frog, a meme that has become popular with the alt-right, wearing an SS uniform and standing in front of Auschwitz.'
I got into an argument with this guy on Facebook, but I gave up, he was a total Simon Hickey
by Kafka in Exile January 19, 2018
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a way to describe an object when your mind is in such a clutter you can't remember its' name because you are pressed for time. similar in meaning to thing-a-ma-jig.
quickly, go over there and grab me the doo-hickey.
by Paul J Parkinson March 24, 2005
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When you get felatio and the girl (or boy) sucks just a little too hard and you get a hickey on your dicky.
Dude she blew me so hard last night I now have a hickey dick
by Smishles December 9, 2011
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a bruise or welt appearing on a hockey player's body due to a puck impact, which looks like a hickey.
the goalie took a puck in the neck last week, and his hockey hickey still hasn't gone away.
by McInnes January 20, 2006
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