When a black human (Nigga) has a head that looks similar to the gluteus maximus muscle. This can be used on white or black people only. The syndrome is very common.
You have the biggest Nigga-Head Ass.
Fix your Nigga-Head Ass immediately it is too big.
Blue face you have Nigga-Head Ass syndrome.
by Henry HandNigga April 10, 2019
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A weak kneed bitch that flaunts her arbitrary Myers Briggs personality type to make up for her bland personality.

Also hides in car when someone wants to fight.
"Hey, Hannah! Look at that YeeYee lil head ass bitch over there!"
by kaylee793 April 28, 2020
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Something you say to someone when they need to stop procrastinating and/or willfully ignoring problems around them that need to be solved. When someone is willfully slacking off, this is a great term to use.

When someone has their head in their ass, it means they're intentionally avoiding the subject of problems that need to be fixed, or they're intentionally making themselves ignorant of a problem. People do this because they think the problem may just disappear, but it never will, that's just life. You have to confront your troubles, not ignore them.
Mom: Jake, how's homework and school going?

Jake: I don't know I'm just taking a nap

Mom: It's 10PM, have you even started today's homework?!?

Jake: No mom it's fine

Mom: NO Jake, it's not fine, Pull your head out of your ass and get to work, or else you're gonna end up being a failure and a drug addict just like your disowned half brother!

Jake: FINE Mom!
by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx June 22, 2020
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Shitting your head out of your ass could refer to three things, either;
A, being so mad your head jets out of your ass;
B, wasting your time trying to shit your head out of your ass;
C, an incredible feat, such as lifting a car, watching a whole episode of Everybody Loves Raymond and laughing at it atleast twice, or beating up Chuck Norris.
A, "If I have to sit next to that bitch named Sophie AGAIN this year, I'm totally going to shit my head out of my ass.."
B, "World of Warcraft is like trying to shit your head out of your ass,"
and C, "Dude! What are you doing?!"
Dude- " I'm trying to make a myspace video of me shitting my head out my ass!"
"Shitting your head out of your ass?!"
Dude- "Shitting your head out of your ass."
by Nate LOWRIE! August 29, 2007
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a stupid idiot who tells on someone 4 times in 1 week for kicking the ball away, talking in study, talking in study and taking the mask off
by SWAGKJD September 11, 2020
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When people you know start to ache like that's just some head ass shit
When you call your mom at 2:15 to pick you up and at 2:33 she picks you up that's some head ass shit
by Love poop.coom December 6, 2016
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