The sweat under your balls, between your legs, and in your ass crack.
All this running is giving me some bad grundle.
by U23Dwas_awesome April 17, 2008
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the scottish term for the area between the anus and the coccyx... a term misunderstood as the perineum in most countries, but a often spoken about phrase in the likes of wishaw and motherwell. Well used also by the healthcare profession
"i keep getting wakened up by a pulling of the grundle, like I'm being pulled up and down in agony"


I have too much hair on my grundle
by the anaconda October 12, 2010
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(verb) To place an object in the area between your testicles and anus (i.e. the grundle). This is generally done when attempting to bring prohibited items into a venue where entrants are patted down.
"Yo Thabius, make sure you grundle that bowl before we get to the security check-point."
by AppleJax September 4, 2006
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The grundle is the area between the penis and the asshole. This area is the most dark and hairy realm of the human male body. I like to call it pergatory - the area between heaven and hell.
"First I'll suck you're cock and if you're nice, I will pet your grundle"
by Pete April 4, 2005
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Also known as a gooch, the grundle is the (usually smelly) region between a man's scrotum and anus. I don't know if the small area between a woman's vagina and anus counts as a grundle.
Do women have grundles? Find out more at 11:00pm.
by Adam Tr0n February 12, 2005
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the tuft of hair on the nifkin
my nifkin is itching like crazy, i gotta shave my grundle
by digga (the boss) July 11, 2008
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the place between ur wangchung and a-hole that becomes saturated with percperation while wacking ur willy
my grundle is nice
by grun-dull August 22, 2003
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