1. when a person's mouth starts to emulate a vagina and starts spitting out piss poor sentences.
2. when a person starts talking like a pussy.
damn, justin was bein yella bout everythin tonight. first off, he wouldn't jump off the water touwer, then he tol me he had to call his momma to see whas for supper, and then he tell me, his girlfriend ain't let him see "pg-13" movies anymure. he was sure speakin in cuntry grammer.
by thee hammer October 8, 2007
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Someone who feels the need to correct every little grammer error that they see to the point where it's just irritating and unnecessary.
Person A: Yo, peeps wat's happeninz?
Grammer Troll: *copies the last person's entire post and rewrites it* Yo, people what's happening?
by Aldridge517 July 8, 2010
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a person obsessed with proper grammer, punctuation, and spelling and bitches to people who dont use proper grammer, punctuation, and spelling
My friend sam is such a grammer nazi I wrote "r" instead of are on my essay in english and he still hasn't shut up about it.
by LMxDurgex January 19, 2009
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One who hovers on forums, blogs, post websites, etc. They are very well known on funnyjunk due to the fact that they can post many times in a few minutes. They spell the name wrong, not for irony, just to make the other people who spelt the word wrong feel dumber. Even if you post n00b, txt, or any other obscene way: They will correct you. They all co-encide under "one" leader, Grammar Hitler, but it's really just random people who say they're Grammar Hitler.
hell2one: That guy got PWND!
Grammer Nazi: It's Pwned you idiot
by fuck you112233 September 24, 2009
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Shouldn't you know how to spell grammar ? Come on, this 10 year old knows that. 2 Rs, 2 As, 2 Ms, and a lonely G.
Person1: wo dis vid sukz a d*8***!!!11!!!1!! ho-eva mad dis vid iz a bass turd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Person2: You're grammer is bad.

Person1: liek omzg u frikin nerd leeve me a loan!

Person3: @person2 YOUR* GRAMMAR* is bad, and yes, your GRAMMAR is.
by Whee_ee_ee October 8, 2012
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The singer to make you feel empowered, or emotionally connected, or happy or flattered. Best singer ever!
When you're sad: playing Andy grammer
When you're happy: playing Andy grammer
When you're heartsick: playing Andy grammer
by HermioneG123 November 13, 2020
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A police that corrects your grammar. He also hates spelling errors.
"Billy the grammer police has striked again!" said Annie.
"Struck!" said Billy the grammer police.
by The great goddess Annieee June 23, 2019
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