The definition of a police officer who is racial or biracial. They have to be racist in order to be a fuzz.
by ShortNeckGiraffe January 28, 2022
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To have the Buzz Fuct right out of you.. Drunk to Sober. When the sex you have just had was either so good or bad that you completely lost your buzz.
Why yes officer I did have 2 cosmos, But no worries, I was fuzzed right before I left.
by TheJon18880 March 1, 2011
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A verb describing what some fabrics do to the fabrics they come in contact with.
The new hoodie I bought at FGCU fuzzed the t-shirt I was wearing and left blue fuzz all over it.
by keshazel February 5, 2009
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A furry in denial. Someone who is obsessed with furry culture yet insists that they aren't a furry. The word fuzz comes from that fact that furries typically have fur on their characters, and fuzz is a shorter, more subdued version of fur. Hence, fuzz.
Zach: Just because I think Falco from Star Fox is hot doesn't mean I'm a furry!
Jackson: Sure thing, Fuzz...
by PenguinBoy! November 5, 2020
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The people that come when you here sirens and blue and red flashing lights
Oh no the fuzz is coming, run! Theys finna snatch our weaves
by StL StL StL January 9, 2019
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the fuzz refers to the polices like the heat i think the word is derived from the police always being on your ass or in you face like peach fuzz
watch out for the fuzz... they probaby own the bar you drink and drive to and from.
by Au. October 31, 2015
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A unit of measurement used to express a very small amount. Less than "a hair".
by CandicaurusRex August 10, 2015
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