Stcking a dildo int a freezer for 1 hour, then jamming it into your ass while someone puts ice cubes down your throat
" yesterday my boy friend gave me a Minnesota freezer. It was cold"
by Rollsause February 15, 2017
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the frozen meal stored in the back of the freezer so long that you have no idea what it contains
teenage son.....whats for dinner?
mum....freezer surprise
teenage son.....did you forget to label the food again?
by kittsy December 24, 2012
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when you let one rip in a cold place, such as a restaurant's walk-in cooler. Low temperatures have a stench-enhancing property when it comes to farts, so when this act is performed, not only does the fart stay enclosed in the cooler until the door is left open long enough for it to escape, but also smells about ten times worse. In general, freezer farting is a fun and hilarious thing to do.
I ripped one helluva freezer fart in the cooler at work today. Joey went back there to get something and the smell was so bad his eyes started watering. Good times.
by SweetDoggyM November 10, 2015
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A saying for any object your parents, grandparents, ect. might find after you've thrown a massive party and think your in the clear.

We had a party a few years ago where we got busted for having the party a week later when my grandma found a pair of boots in the freezer.
"Man someone left a bag of Doritos under my parents bed"

"Totally a boot in the freezer"
by Ray Charles in a Maze November 23, 2011
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It is when a chick has really nice knockers, they make you freeze in your tracks.
That girl has some nice ass freezer bags.
by Nelson Williamson April 8, 2008
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Carefully removing an item from the bottom of a stack, from a packed freezer, without causing everything on top of it to fall... it's basically a reverse variation of "refrigerator tetris"
Mike: "Dude, what happened to your toe?"
Rick: "I lost a game of Freezer Jenga and dropped a frozen chicken on it"
by YourMomCalled October 4, 2013
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