An acronym for First Person Shooter. This is a game you play by hearing young white nerdy males say the word "nigger" repeatedly.
Stop playing this fps, you nigger!
by Tundrometer November 12, 2007
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Faps Per Second
See Fap Or Faps
Describes How Many Faps You Do In 1 Second
"Bro Man I Hit 5 Fps Last Night"

You:"Pastor,I Have A Confession,I Hit 10 Fps Last Night" Pastor:"WTF Mah Boi"
by Giggidy Giggidy Goo Ga! September 19, 2009
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I had such a great day with Sam, she is totally my new FP.
by pennylane April 4, 2005
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Short for First-Person-Shooter.

An overrated video game type that sucks.

Dude: Shut up, FPS games suck. You just run around hitting the shoot button and running over guns to pick them up.
by baseballfan55 May 31, 2009
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A Fart Propelled Shit. Classified as a turd that rockets out of the ass into toilet causing the depositor to get a splash of water onto their ass.
Man I has such a FPS I think I cracked the bowl! Dude quit punishing my toilet.
by ScMang October 7, 2003
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Faps per second. The rate at which you fap in intervals of seconds.
Guy 1: Dude how was that date last night?

Guy 2: It was alright. She gave me a pic of herself and I got up to 8 FPS last night.

Guy 1: *Awkward silence* ..... Wanna play COD?

Guy 2 : ... Alright.
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aka fag pussy shit -something that is extremely gay that fags with pussies would do/say/wear.
my moms mypsace song was sweet escape by gwen stefani...
so i wrote on her wall-"this song is fag pussy shit(fps)"
by bernice juach February 2, 2008
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