Another racial slur used towards a black person relating them to gorillas who walk around dragging their knuckles
Oh man, did you see that knuckle dragger steal that ladie's purse then run away?
by Treebs January 22, 2006
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A pickup truck. Usually adorning overly patriotic rear window decals. Alternate usage describes any vehicle that a racist individual would find acceptable for dragging a nagger.
"I went to the wal-mart in town the other day and the lot was packed full with Nagger Draggers.
by sid onmuhface February 21, 2008
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A person that rides a motorcycle, particularly on a race track, that is able to turn in such a way, and at such a velocity, at such a low height, that their knee drags against the ground.
Casey Stoner, a professional MotoGP racer, is able to drag a knee through his turns. This is an example of a knee dragger.
by JoeMamaa March 28, 2013
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A snowboarder who tends to drag his knuckle when he rides.
"Yo! that Knuckle dragger just took out that little kid!"
by Petriiiiii129 March 9, 2010
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a long argument, or a fight between either you and your spouse, you and a friend, or you and a family member.
Man I got into this big ol fucking dick dragger with my daughter over her grades.

I got into this dick dragger with bill becuase he pussied out on me.
by uzi4u April 29, 2006
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An evolved baboon that now stands behind the counter at your local Mcdonalds.
by BobbiTuPista January 7, 2023
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