n. A derogatory nickname for NHL player Steve Downie, who's play often makes one think he has extra chromosomes gumming up the decision making center of his brain.

n. A syndrome in which a hockey player does something stupid, similar to what Steve Downie probably would have done.
1. Downie Syndrome just took another pointless penalty and put us on a four minute penalty kill.

2. Did Tim Thomas just slash someone after the whistle? Is he suffering from Downie Syndrome?
by Steve Downie's Mother April 20, 2011
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When someone completes a normal activity in such a way that it looks like they have down syndrome; knuckle-dragger; mouth-breather.
The noob lanes mid like a Downie Brownie.
by Tyrone_of_Africa December 14, 2010
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A sport in which literally retarded people are given boxing gloves and meant to hit each other for the entertainment of the masses.
Johnny McWarguy: So I went to the Downy Boxing competition last night.
Ted: Oh yeah?
Johnny McWarguy: Yeah your dad didn't win.
Ted: Typical.
by Johnny McWarguy April 30, 2008
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The superhuman strength that is associated with people with down syndromes
Can be used to insult someone.

E.G. when lifting something, "well aye cannit believe your lifting that, must be that downy strength"
by Jimmyjuice1 December 29, 2016
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A god that is far above Jesus, worshiped by Ben, Ed the pedo, Malachi, Noah, Max, Beau and Arthur
Hes Fucking Retarded
Downie Dan is a very retarded spesimin
by Downie Dan May 22, 2019
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A human being (or something like one) who is so retarded that they cannot speak, cannot walk by themselves, cannot eat by themselves, etc. They usually "communicate" through noises like "nnnnhh" or "eiirrr" or" "AOUEEEEOuuuu" and they shit their pants all the time so they usually fucking stink and they try to eat everything and don't listen to anyone. They usually have severe combinations of Downs Syndrome, Autism, Asperger's, and cerebral palsy.
Michael: "Hey nick, why is that kid moaning and rubbing shit on that trashcan?"

Nick: "Oh him? he's just one of those Ultra-Downy's."
by pinche-head December 7, 2011
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A person that looks like they have down syndrome in the face but really doesn't
I know this guy named Pete that has a real downy face
by dickballs March 18, 2007
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