An exclamation for when something doesn’t go exactly your way.
by Flobberdobber181 January 23, 2023
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What happens to your dick after having sex with someone who has a blue waffle
Man this chick gave me a blue dobber.
by Loading....... January 23, 2011
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A hastily drawn sketch of a penis; often just the basic two balls and a penis outline but frequently with pubes and jizz line appendages.
"Hoo! I just Speed Dobbered that tent!"
by Mouseparty & BamBam August 24, 2009
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a.) n. one who dobbs dirt.
b.) v. the act of sticking one's penis head in another's anus while the receiver shits violently.
My girlfriend likes dirt dobbers because she wants to wait until she is married before any penis goes into her vagine... And she has a harder time shitting out of her vagine.
by ThisEverett September 17, 2007
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Usually means a "thingy" or a penis.

Sometimes used when you can't think of the word for something.
Jane touched David's dilly dobber to turn him on.

"What's that dilly dobber?"
"You mean his penis?"
by Julieann191 December 11, 2008
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a descriptive term meaning the person who licks the sweat from my balls.
During an aurguement it is best used in a statement form.

You are such a dooby-dobber!

Whatever dooby-dobber!
by fritzurbunkle May 26, 2009
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While having anal sex with your significant other you take the palm of your hand and slap them on the back of the head while simultaneously pulling out. When they turn thier head to give you that "what the fuck" reaction, you jab your Chocolate Bingo Dobber right between their eyes and yell "BINGO" at the top of your lungs!
"I gave your mom a Chocolate Bingo Dobber last night......she won....again!!!!"
by crtoimtr September 20, 2012
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