A brain common error, occurs when someone can't think anything after sleeping at night.
Don't talk to my brother about anything in the morning, cuz he's always in the no-disk state every time he wakes up.
by allegraph March 9, 2011
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To have the same DVD disk sent to you twice in a row by your movie rental subscription, ie. netflix or blockbuster.
I was all excited to watch disk 3 of Heros, only to realize i had been double-disked!
by cupcake143 February 6, 2010
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a disk with such little capacity that it one of the wonders of the world why it hasn't come out of use yet
by PlayDohMan July 3, 2004
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A compact disk is the long form of a CD. It's that circular thing with a silvery backside that contains all the music/movies/data/shit/porn that you downloaded from the net is usually stored. It is what you call the principle portable data storage method for the late twentieth century. A CD comes in two sizes, the larger CD has a capacity of 700 MB, or 80 minutes of sound, and the smaller ones have a capacity of 185 MB, or 21 minutes of sound. There are three kinds of CDs. PRe-recorded CDs that comes with software / music / data already burnt in. CD-Rs where you get to burn data, and CD-RW where you get to burn as well aas erase data. As of now, portable data storage is changing over to flash drives and DVDs.
Bruning compact disks can be fun. Either way that you take it.
by Gunkglumb May 23, 2005
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A DJ or the person laying down the tunes at a party. Often what a grandparent or elder will call it.
child: Man that party was off the chain!
grandma: How was the disk jocky?
child: the what?

grandma: you know, the DJ...
by happyhahahannah December 5, 2010
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A very simple portable storage device. It's probably among the best choices for use on sneakernet because it's easy to write to and requires no special software. It's far faster to write to a floppy than to burn a CD, and it's kind of a waste to put a few documents on a CD. Plus you can edit files on a floppy without having to re-burn. They are slowly being replaced by USB drives, but they have at least a few years ahead before they are officially obsolete. Floppies are far more durable than most of those Linux geeks say they are, as long as you don't dip them in bleach or something. You can drag your keys all across the outside of a floppy and it'll still work fine. Try THAT with a CD. They hold 1.44 megabytes with standard formatting and are about 3.5 inches square.
Me: I need a box of floppies.
Linux geek: What are those?
Me: FLOPPIES! You know? The little squarish plastic things!?
Linux geek: Umm...
Me: Damnit! Am I the only one that still uses these things?
Linux geek: I bet you use Windows. Linux is better.
Me: Oh, kiss my ass.
by Utz89 June 24, 2005
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exactly like a mix tape only on CD.
a cd of music selected for a friend or oneself.
I wanted to listen to Katy Perry and Metallica at the same time, so I burned myself a mix disk.
by eagle8eye August 9, 2009
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