Definition: A Ding Dong is a stolen car used to thrash about and do whatever in it. A Ding Dong can also be a car that is just beat up.
“Michael is Trapping in the ding dong”

“120 in a ding dong mush”
by K9 Juggs February 9, 2020
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Phrase that is said when you feel that someone is not up to par. As in "Is anyone home?"
Ding-Dong!? Would you like me to turn off the food disposal before YOU stick your hand in there?
by macFI May 21, 2009
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Main Entry: fool
Part of Speech: noun
Definition: One deficient in judgment and good sense. An empty-headed person; a fool.

ass, idiot, imbecile, jackass, fool mooncalf, moron, nincompoop, ninny, nitwit, simple, simpleton, softhead, tomfool
If you are counting on a man to choose a thoughtful present, you are a ding dong.
by General Failure September 11, 2008
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1) Adjective to describe two small peniled boys with a complete lack of self-confidence who engage in picking on a sweet girl
Rob and Cody are ding dongs for picking on Megan.
by mosdla January 28, 2009
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1. A delicious chocolate cupcake with cream filling produced and distributed by Hostes.

2. A slang term for penis

3. Another way to call someone an idiot/moron.

4. The sexual act in which a male ejaculates in the ass crack of an African American male or female (no gender discrimination). The result of the white semen in the brown ass crack should look like a Hostes Ding-Dong. For the authentic Ding-Dong, the male should be of the Caucasian ethnicity and the african american party, male or female, should be fucked in the ass prior to ejaculation.
4. "Wow I just pulled out and came in your ass crack, if you were black this would totaly look like a Ding-Dong..."

proceeds to make entry on Urban Dictionary
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