Another term for Dick Face.
Other forms:

DF(Insert first name initial here)
'What is up with Garrett?'
Idk, he's being a DF.

yo, watch out! DFG is coming.
by Me Gag money September 20, 2011
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Abbreviation known amongst metalheads referencing to the political death metal band DYING FETUS.

Usually typed, almost never spoken. If spoken it comes from a poser metalhead who deserves to be shunned.
"yo dude you listen to the new df cd?"
by pseudocide September 28, 2007
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Dude 1: Damn homie slept wit dat piece last night.
Dude 2: You DFS?
by Cee To Tha Jay April 22, 2011
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Driven fucking snow. As in, pure as the driven fucking snow. Whenever something is innocent, you say that it is as pure as the driven snow. However, when you know that something is obviously not innocent and pure, you would say oh yeah, you're as pure as the driven fucking snow.
Paris Hilton, pure as the driven fucking snow.
by DrYo March 1, 2005
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short for Doucher Face Syndrome

When you don't even know a guy, but you can already tell that he is a douchebag.


any guy that wears his collar popped, has a barbed wire tatoo on his arm, or wears designer clothes to impress girls, etc...

At a party...

guy #1- do you know who that is?

guy #2- i have no clue, but he looks like he has major DFS
by scottie too hottie89 April 10, 2009
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DF is short for "dead fuck" which means some one who just lays there during sex like a dead person, possibly due to being lazy, intoxicated, or just not good in bed
"that girl last night was df" "that girl last night was a df"
by tetsusaiga83 May 25, 2007
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