a place where either: people get drunk, people fuck (in the bathroom), people dance (grind, dry hump, or dance normally), people talk or people cry about there life in the bathroom.¯\_(ツ)_/¯
person 1: “hey did you see Analise and Jordan basically dry humping in the club yesterday night"?
person 2: “oh yeah they where really getting it on bet they fucked in the bathroom afterwards"
person 1: “yeah I actually saw them going in the bathroom"
person 2: “oop" 😏
by 🐩 puppy person December 13, 2020
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A group of people have had the same (usually negative) experience. Suggests a lack of sympathy and is used with sarcasm.
"I got the dreaded lurgy of suzy"
"Join the club man. The girl is like typhoid mary"
by Jack Karch May 29, 2006
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A variation of techno music.
A place where people go to socialize or dance.
by AYB March 31, 2003
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Verb; The act of doing or performing a particular action with enthusiasm and sheer confidence.
Lets club The O.C. tonight
Lets club some lunch
The Wolf clubs so hard
Should we go club those two bitches?
by Warren B and Ryan Z November 4, 2004
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when a lesbian woman rubs her vagina against another woman's upper thigh
Lucy and I were clubbing last night. She hasn't gotten me that wet in ages.
by sabrina pemberton September 23, 2017
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to beat someone over the head with something; very much fun to do; gamers use the term alot like in Halo
I clubbed you with my shotgun.
by warwolf October 26, 2003
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cooler than camp

Ironically un-ironic
“wearing snow pants to school is so club.”

Listening to The trolls sound track is club.

Playing fortnite is club
by Phoebebridgerslover16 November 27, 2021
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