A gamer who is unable to handle when they die, and often calls the other players "hackers" with no evidence to back it up. If you think their play style indicates an inferior intellect, well you'd be right. Just your average butthurt gamer.
Stop being such a Choob, Andrew. That kill was legit.
by The Old Khanye February 13, 2017
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"Gosh, Johnny is being such a choob!"
"I know, it was such a choob move to ask out the quarterback's girlfriend"
by Broomsweepsweep June 8, 2016
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Child boobs. Like when a female toddler is wearing a mini-bikini and no one really cares that the top came off, and you can see her choobs.

Can work with a small fat boy.
Emily was parading around the beach with her choobs today, and everyone thought that it was the cutest thing ever.
by geo April 6, 2005
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The simple word when you forgot Chewbacca's folks in Stars wars are called the wookies.
It's the abrevation for the Chewbaccas!
Group of people communicating in your language but with such a noise you cannot understand, eventhought they can understand each other!
You turn to your friend and tell him:
"Man they communicate like Choobs."
by Harry1879847 September 4, 2006
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one who is defficiant at playing videogames and magnifies the charectoristics of a noob.
joe sucks at that games worse than me... what a choob.
by NOSNHOJxx January 1, 2008
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Abbreviation for Chin Boobs. This word originated a long time ago in an igloo off the coast of Africa by a Black Elf. Only one man can have them in each generation, causing a mad rush of hormonial women to unexpectedly charge at these lucky men. When masturbating with a choob, or plural form "moobies", you may find yourself with Choobreastis Disease. Symptoms of Choobreastis Disease (CD for short) are weakness in the thighs, quivering upper lip, and fatigue in the chin. If this occurs, well, you are going to die. This has been known also as a form of cancer that really has no cure.
Ross: Check out my moobies everyone!
Anthony: (whisper) i wish i had a choob.
Holly: You make me so horny!
by Anthony Gone Wild March 7, 2010
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