25 definitions by geo

A store that sells women's clothing such as TNA, Talula, T5S, and all those other tight looking things where the jackets are as big as a skirt and a skirt is as big as a hat.

Usually expensive, but that's the price of beauty. ):
girl 1: Oh wow, where'd you get that blue on black TNA suit?
girl 2: At Aritzia, of course! Now I need to spend a total of $200 for the pink on black jacket!
by geo February 6, 2005
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1. when someone gets scared shit
2. when someone gets crossed up by a big asian kid in basketball
Yo i was compressing u and u got shook like a mice!!!!!
by geo July 22, 2003
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Mainly a woman in a power position, the "bee" can sometimes stand for "Bitch"
Our manager is such a Queen B(ee)
by geo November 20, 2002
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Geo - Yo Greg, Phal ain't makin nundem shots today.

Greg - It's cuz his leg is broken

Geo - Nah, man it's cuz he sucks
by geo July 22, 2003
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Yo nigga they breath all funky and shit. I ain't feelin nundem bitches.
by geo June 6, 2003
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"Man, this we're having a bitching time"
by geo November 19, 2002
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A whore, usually female who does crack or just looks like they do.
Damn that crackwhore just sucked my cock, let's pay the bitch 3 buck!
by geo November 20, 2002
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