A privileged person who calls out other people for not being sensitive enough because they dont share his/her views based solely on what buzzfeed describes as cool or acceptable. They get triggered and offended by anything that might contradict their own point of view and will always find silly things to whin about while doing nothing to fix real issues
"Mark insists that talking about trans people when you are not one of them is unacceptable . He is such a brainwashed buzzfeed liberal"

"I'm tired of Noura pretending to see oppression of minorities everywhere like a true buzzfeed liberal."
by keft May 24, 2017
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The phenomena when you go to a clickbait buzzfeed video and spend the next few hours watching crappy top 10s that you hate
by Doublestandardsguy January 30, 2016
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A false claim based on either pseudoscience and/or fallaciousness typically sourced from BuzzFeed
Person 1: did you know that whites cannot be victims of racism?
Person 2: that's BuzzFeed Facts.
by JustTellingTheTruthHere June 13, 2019
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a fact that has actually not been proven, but has rather been pulled out of the internet's sewers by a bunch of liberals.
Dude, did you know that women are paid 77c for every dollar a man earns?
Bro, I don't buy into BuzzFeed facts!
by onesyphorus August 29, 2018
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It's pure and utter cancer and that's all you really need to know.

Also in some circumstances it can be used as an insult.
Person A: Hey you, you are worse than Buzzfeed.

Person B: You didn't!
by a_nice_guy May 29, 2016
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Buzzfeed is the reason hitler killed 6 million jews, why they have been kicked out of 100+ countries over the years
Buzzfeed is cancer
by shitbricks999 October 19, 2016
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When you are very bored and have nothing to do, you will 'buzzfeed' by looking at people hating on Donald Trump, or by taking a quiz on 'weather or not you are an asshole. When you buzzfeed, the possibilities are endless.
Hey, I'm all caught up on Game of Thrones, and Pretty Little Liars, I might as well go buzzfeed.
by Lynn O'Lynette February 12, 2017
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