What all people and animals do when they answer the call of nature, otherwise it’s a mentality that usually takes the ‘human‘ out of ‘human being
I take my dog out for a walk every day every day so it can do its business, or ‘Sorry brother, before I kill ya, I just want ya to know that it’s only business, nothing personal!’.
by Space Demon-69M March 13, 2019
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What college students study when they want a college degree but don't want a college education.
Jill: "Hey Tom, what's your major?"

Tom: "Business!"

Jill: "Why the hell are you majoring in business?!"

Tom: "Because I want to graduate having no unique skills, no well-rounded education, and no working liver!"
by Non educatus sum February 12, 2010
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A name for someone who communicates in a very abrupt, incoherent, and cryptic manner which provides no background or context, thereby confusing their audience.
An example of a Busi is someone who walks up to you out of the blue and says "So that thing from last week...I fixed that." and expects you to know exactly what they are referring to. You have to pull additional information out of the Busi in order to figure out what the hell they are talking about.
Many Busis have ADD, which causes their thoughts to jump from topic to topic, and leads to the incoherent communication.
by techlily May 11, 2010
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nickname for fucking awesome bass player, Adam T. Siska, for the best band in the entire world, The Academy Is...

other nicknames: sisky biz, bass wiz, sisky business, or just sisky.
me: have you seen that TAITV episode? ya know, the one where there at home with The Business.
friend: oh yeah!! i love sisky. mostly because hes in The Academy Is... which is the BEST BAND EVAR!!!

by eily September 18, 2008
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Used interchangably with the word "masturbating."
"I'm sorry I seemed distracted on the phone last night, I was busy."

*Knock Knock*
"I can't come to the door right now, I'm busy."
by SUPA-FLYer August 22, 2006
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Bowel or urinal relief by a dog in a permitted location
I took my big dog out so he could do his business by lifting his leg on that tree

Muffy goes out every morning to do her business in front of the neighbor's house
by JoJoh October 23, 2006
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Non-descriptive excuse someone gives you when they're trying to get out of meeting or spending time with you. Similar to "I have plans". Basically means they're not that into you.
Girl: Hey, you're on vacation this week right? Wanna come over and hang out?

Guy: Sorry I can't; I'm busy
by Wallaceville August 29, 2020
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