I have plans

Phrase used by women to indicate that they have a date with someone other than you.
Bob: So, do you wanna go catch a movie tomorrow night?
Sally: I have plans.
Bob: Oh, okay.

Bob to himself: Dammit!
by Harold Don November 18, 2007
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I have plans

Phrase used by women to indicate that they have a date with someone other than you.
Bob: So, do you wanna go catch a movie tomorrow night?
Sally: I have plans.
Bob: Oh, okay.

Bob to himself: Dammit!
by Ketch August 11, 2007
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I have a plan

Something one says when they have a plan to become mango harvesters in Tahiti.
Guy 1 : I have a plan.
Guy 2 : where have I heard that before?
Guy 1 : all we need is money, and we’ll be harvesting mangos in Tahiti.
by I am not a cat or. Shark December 14, 2018
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I have a plan

An over abused phrase by a politician with a frankenstein-like face.
"I have a plan.... to tell you the opposite of whatever my oponent says.... then tell you my plan after I am elected."
by timmay October 15, 2004
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I have a plan Arthur

The phrase “I have a plan Arthur” is usually coincided with a bad plan, or decision that someone is going to make. This is usually a reference to RDR2 where Dutch Van Der Linde’s plans most of the time fucking suck and cause more trouble than good.
A: “Bro we’re pinned down what the hell are we going to do?”
D: “don’t worry I have a plan Arthur ”
by TheBigPayday January 28, 2022
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