Someone tells you to commit suicide in a rather idiotic way
by Fukcboi67 November 19, 2017
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When someone says something even more stupid and they got you so much in a trance you don't even realize your saying or spelling the word correctly
"My Goldfish was out of water once and we had sex too"

"Bich whet tha feck"
by Keke234 November 28, 2017
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I dont know a lot of bad words so I came up with FUCK BICH TRUMP DICK.
FUCK BICH TRUMP DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HAHAHAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by Eren Yeeter December 3, 2020
Actually, it is one of the rare names in Vietnam. She is definitely a beautiful person, as Bich means Sapphire (not Bitch), and Y has a wide meaning... She is the kind person you have ever met, and also sweet from her personality. Be kind to her because she is also a sentimental person! You can absolutely be attracted to her and easy to talk with!
A: Hey, do you know Bich Y? She is pretty beautiful
B: Ohh! What? The popular girl in our class?
A: Yes!

B: She is okay, not attractive to me.
by mariebiscutie0395 November 22, 2021
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Someone who is a basic white chick, who hates everyone but them.
Hey Kate, Kate responds Bich bye
by dontevenstarttotalk101 October 28, 2017
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royal loyal side bitch
does what is asked no questions
that’s my bum bich and i fight till death
by BumStatusYo December 16, 2018
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Thaseen is my bich
by Notanumbrella November 10, 2020
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