When someone comes up with the biggest pile of ballshit the world has ever seen. Invented By Mathew Barry. Barrying can only be used to describe continuous amounts of ball shit that makes their breath smell like a baby elephants rectum.

Simple term - lying
An example of Barrying is 'I do not play world of warcraft!' or 'Did you know when monkeys fart it actually releases a highly toxic substance that causes 'ALIENS TO TAKE OVER HIS BODY!!!! WHAAAAAAAT!!!!!! THEYRE FIRING XRAY BEAMS OUTB OF THEIR RADIOACTIVE SUPER CORES!! USE YOUR ZAPPY GUN TO STOP THEM!!! KAPEWPEW KAPLOWY PEW PEW KAPLOWY!! DOCTOR WE NEED YOU TO DEFUSE THIS ATOM BOMB!! ALL IN A DAYS WORK!!!!
by stonedemofish May 26, 2010
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Verb: to barry

To empty the contents of your stomach/ rainbow burp, speak to god on the great white telephone/ Make friends with the toilet seat, due to alcahol consumption

Originated from the GWA borlase
"Mate, i shouldnt have had that "n"th beer i think im gonna barry......*eugh*"
by CLynch October 4, 2007
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Oh my god - that boy just asked me for barries.
by Cup-Sellithaine November 7, 2005
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by SERN1TY December 24, 2008
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Edinburgh-based adjective, meaning terrific, exceptional, highly enjoyable.
That water slide was barry fun!

So you can come to the pub after all? Barry!
by Robbiemac July 6, 2010
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More specifically "having a Barry", and it is one of the better examples of twice-removed Australian rhyming slang.

It means you're having a bad time of things, or a shocker. The connection is Barry Crocker, an extremely naff singer from Geelong, Australia (my home town - carn the Cats!) who sang the original theme song to Neighbours and is usually seen these days singing at telethons or Carols by Candlelight or other such horseshit.

In a nutshell, shocker = Barry Crocker = Barry.

Most often used in a sporting sense, when someone asks how you performed.

PS for the Seppos out there, Neighbours is a cheap and nasty Aussie soap opera that the Brits can't get enough of. BTW, "Seppo" is another example of Aussie rhyming slang, meaning American (Yank = septic tank = seppo)
When your leggies are disappearing for 9 an over, or you've kicked 4 behinds and 2 out-on-the-full for the day, or your pitching's been racked for 3 homers in 1 innings(if you're a Seppo), mate, you are having an absolute Barry.
by Choda Boy 57 August 10, 2006
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to vomit in a hyperbolic manner.
Derived from Barry Chuckle of Chucklevision of which can be used as a substitute.
I was so ill today that I Barried all over the bathroom.
Wait a minute, I'm going to stop for a technical Barry Chuckle around the corner.

chunder puke vomit
by TerryNutkins March 28, 2016
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