When one strikingly hot, ordinarily composed female is intoxicated with narcotics and alcohol she behaves inappropriately. When in a Bambi state it is normal for the females legs to give way, she therefore tends to fall over whilst balanced in an upright position. Bambi behavior often results in severe embarrassment, memory loss, as well as shock and disappointment from all those associated with the Bambi in question, i.e; Friends, family, links, ex-links, boyfriends, employers, civilians, 24 hour shop keepers, cab drivers, door men, parents and anyone else to cross Bambi's path.
"CRINGE.... Was I really Bambi last night?"

"Please leave your Bambi behavior at home."

"I really liked her until I took her out & she behaved like Bambi."

"Don't give Bambi anymore drugs her legs are buckling already."

"Oh Bambs... *HIDESFACE* You did not just say that!!"
by Bambi's 1&2 October 27, 2011
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bambi is a name you searched and though it was a movie of the deer
no you dummy this is my dog's name

a troublesome dog who likes to rip tissue, sniff food, eat trash, and trip people
he is the circle of ATTENTION
just like a 5 year old, he acts like one, and shouts like a bird when he wants out of his cage
What's magical is when we first got him, he POOPED under the christmas tree
BAMBI is a name, or a sentence
if your dumb you clearly wouldn't understand
by ApplePie_1 May 31, 2021
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A girl wearing high heels that struggles to walk in them. The usual visible cue is extremely wobbly ankles. Often seen outside clubs and bars at closing time in college towns. Named after Bambi, the eponymous Disney fawn that struggles to walk as a newborn.
I think that poor bambi just sprained her ankle chasing after that guy.
by beej666 January 27, 2013
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Slang for marijuana or mary jane. Peculiar to Madison, Wisconsin.
Let's get high off this sweet "bambi".
by indiePickler January 17, 2009
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bambi is a carcter from vs Dave and baby!!1
Mad Milk is a community-created secondary weapon for the Scout. It is a non-descript bottle of milk with no cap. The liquid inside sloshes with the player's movements.

Unlike the other drinks available to the Scout, Mad Milk can be thrown at enemies as a projectile, and, much like other throwables (such as Jarate), explodes if left in the air for too long. Victims continually drip white beads of substance and are notified by a corresponding white droplet on the HUD, next to their health meter. It is possible for a player to throw a "critical" Mad Milk with a team-colored effect, but the effect is purely cosmetic.

Enemies caught within the 200 Hammer units splash radius are soaked in the contents of the jar for 10 seconds. When a target is soaked in Mad Milk, 60% of all damage taken is returned as health to any attacker, with the only exceptions being damage done by an Engineer's Sentry Gun and afterburn damage. The healing provided by Mad Milk does not overheal players.

Mad Milk can also extinguish teammates on fire (as well as its user) and reveal enemy Spies. Unlike Jarate, however, it does not short out the Spy's Cloaking device; invisible Spies under the effects of Mad Milk remain invisible and do not have their disguises or team colors revealed, but the dripping white beads make them easy to locate.

I love bambi from Marcello's fun house
by superdomb!!! September 23, 2021
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1. a new ice hockey player who isn't good at skating yet. When on the ice they look like Bambi from Disney's movie Bambi. They have a chance of becoming good after a couple seasons. If they don't get better they come a bender.

2. Someone who doesn't try to get better at skating or pretends they play
1. Player 1: They have so many new skaters
Player 2: Oh poor bambis.

2. random girls tweet: I miss hockey so much! Someone take me skating!

Players response: Stfu you bambi.
by Icepuckbabes January 3, 2014
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When a man jerks off into his own hand and feeds it to his partner as if they were a deer
Last night was awesome. Destiny is so freaky, she let me do the Bambi to her and she swallowed the whole thing
by Burnaby_Bo July 10, 2011
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