
A synonym for Pedophile or Groomer that cannot be banned on social media.
Don't be a Disney like Jeffery Epstein.
by patriots.win April 4, 2022
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When Disney buys your franchise and fucks it
Dude Star Wars got Disneyed!
by YELLOWMAN February 24, 2015
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If they buy it, they ruin it.
Bob: Man Disney ruined Star Wars.

Jack: I hope Darth Disney doesn't get his hands on Looney Tunes.
by EpicScientician September 26, 2021
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A movie production company where they ran out of ideas so now they make live versions of animated films.
Wanda: Dude did you see the new Disney movie
Sam: Eh it was okay
by JustYourLocalHuman July 29, 2020
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A media company that used to make everyone's favorite animated movies. As of recently they're more into mass producing music careers for about six million teenage girls with no talent.
Did you see Miley Cyrus at the new years show? She sounded fuckawful! How in the world could Disney have found her talented?
by woll smoth March 10, 2008
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Used to be one of the best animation company's in the world.
Until after the 90's, where it really started to get bad. It now produces crappy films only for marketing. Examples include: High School Musical, Jump In, and much more.
Teenager: Have you seen High school Musical? It's the best movie ever!! Disney Rulz!!

Other Guy: No it doesn't.
by Billy Bumhead May 19, 2007
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A synonym for evil.
Disney makes millions by exploiting children and marketing terrible music.
by Psas2 May 6, 2010
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