Fool, sap, chump, moronic, ridiclous.

Origin - The word baka is made up of two kanji - Ba (horse) and Ka (deer). The idea being that if you can't tell a horse from a deer, then you must be BAKA.
Anyone that still thinks George Bush is an honest man is truly BAKA.
by wheaty June 8, 2005
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In croatian, it means- grandma.
Moja baka je tako dobra! My Grandma is so good!
by Bucka1912 October 7, 2006
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Baka means idiot in Japanese, please never say it with the word sussy or I may go to your house and steal both of your legs.
Weeb: Baka
Every single kid in the school: cringe
by MeltedLava May 24, 2021
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Baka is a word created by Cleveland Rapper Bmk Bread Winner “ Baka could mean anything you want it to mean it’s a universal word “
“ boy you always fw these hoes “ him : Baka or do you want anything to eat ? You would say Baka or if you feeling sad say Baka In sad manner
by Boogey Man Klan June 2, 2021
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Stupid person in Japanese. Used by the anime obsessed and ones who have weblogs. Written in Japanese, it looks like this: ‚΂©. Can be annoying when used outside of anime cons, the internet, or when overused.
Fanboy: ‚΂©, ‚΂©, ‚΂©~~!!
Me: Oh, shut the HELL UP!! >_<
by nikkan_hanil December 11, 2003
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In Filipino, it means cow or beef.
Baka tastes good when served as bistek.
by Chubod December 13, 2003
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A word used by many anime girls who have a crush on the guy they're saying it too

(It means donkey)
by Edgypotato April 14, 2018
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