Someone who is being a butthole and has a bad attitude
Hey Lisa you're an asswipe tonight
by Kk1464 November 24, 2017
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a total fucking moron, that is stupider then the day is long
ashanks is a asswipe
by nick125 February 18, 2005
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1. A wet or dry fiberous material used to remove feces and dingleberries from a person's asshole.

2. A unreliable person who constantly annoys others with acts that would drive anyone's anger levels to "FUCKING PISSED!"

3. See one-upper.
1. "Son, we're outta toilet paper! Get me some asswipes!

2. "DUDE! Stop tapping me on the fucking shoulder, you fucking asswipe! Get away from me!"
by nUnya_dAmn_bIznis April 19, 2007
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Who taught that asswipe to make a documentary. And why is there no truth to it?
by Odorus Glutenaie May 6, 2005
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a person you really hate

an object you use to wipe your butt
joel is an asswipe

i need an asswipe
by john shoemaker November 26, 2003
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Somebody that you look at like a peice of shit and you'd rather be wipin ur ass with them then to be lookin at them or even go anywhere near them so u call them an asswipe so they know that your ass respects them more then you ever would.
Barney is a fuckin asswipe that all the little shitheads want to use to wipe their dirty asses..
by Fuckhead April 25, 2003
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Asswipes! the new toliet paper! 200% more absorbent then any other toliet paper!
i wish the toliet paper "asswipes" were real :D
by Kyle Biddle August 3, 2004
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