Girl: "Hey!"
"I have a willy!"
by Daniel Cena November 30, 2017
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A (normally small, or childish) penis
"oh darling, do you want to suck my willy?
by ILoveMyISIS June 11, 2018
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V. To sleep with a girl without the act of sexual intercourse. To include but not limited to spooning, cuddling, soft touching, light whispers.

Key point: no sexual acts transpire.

1. Yo Brad, you end up porking that slam pig you met last night at the jersey bar?

No dude. Her hatchet wound smelled like fish so we just willised.

2. Dude! My girlfriend is such a prude. I go over and spend the night all the time buy all she wants to do is Willis! Fuck my life!

3. This broad was all for slam dancing but I got whiskey dick so all we did was Willis. Not to self, bring emergency Viagra next time.

4. I really like and respect this girl so we just willised. (fag!)
by B-Rad Willis January 30, 2010
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verb: To dryhump a female, fully clothed, to the point of penetration. This maneuvre is best done drunk, and is most commonly seen on the dancefloor.
Oh boy, he is willising the shit out of her....
by Antwaaaaaaaaaaaaaan October 14, 2006
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anyone named William going by the nickname of Willy or Willie can give you the ability to see through glass once you have given them a blowjob.
Look, it's willy, I heard if you suck his dick you can see through glass.
by willymongrel February 23, 2011
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to lick one's thumb and shove it up another's but hole.
She wouldn't give it up last night so gave her a but willy.
by maggotnictron February 12, 2007
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Willis is that weird ass kid that is just kinda there. He is simp who somehow pulls girls way out of his league and no one knows how, not even the girl. He’s probably the kid that gets bullied on the daily. If your name is Willis, your parents probably hate you (unless you last name is Willis then your a badass mf)
Kyle “How the hell did Willis pull your ex?”
Me “I don’t even think HE knows how he pulled any girl, bet his dad wishes he pulled out though. I would if I was his dad”
by CowboyCasanova March 10, 2020
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