He play that instrument as if he was a wesley.
He is such a wesley!
by john Devour August 17, 2011
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A wesley is a sexy like im not kidding he is so sexy any girl would want a wesley because he has beautiful eyes and bc he is sexy
Girl 1: omg who is that
girl2:its wesley he the sexy person every
wesley: i see yall are talking about me
by Wesleyhayes March 17, 2020
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He is kind, funny and handsome.
He is better without his friends.
by Jbfjoxhvs September 8, 2017
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An incredibly sexy, incredibly thoughtful guy. Often called devastatingly handsome, a Wesley is known for his musical talent and has a dumbfounding way with words. He makes friends easily, but sometimes finds it hard to let people in. He is caring, intelligent and sweet, an all around awesome guy.
Person1: "You know that guy who was playing last night?"
Person2: "Oh, yeah, he's such a Wesley!"
by Chashmonit December 18, 2010
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Wesley wanted to be hypocritical by being angry at people who treated him the way he treated them
by Bray Balor July 19, 2018
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A gay imaginary friend. If you have a Wesley you have no life.
Me: Did you hear the news?
MY friend: What?
Me: I killed my Wesley last night.
by thebesturbandictionaryuser1234 November 25, 2011
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