The sound a riced out - douche-bag driven car makes.
Just do a video search (google, youtube... you can figure this out) for "eclipse exhuast"

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The sound one hears after performing a whippit.
*Whip-it*, 8 seconds later the user will hear, "wom wom wom wom wom wom wom wom wom". Sounds like a tiny fan near each ear.
by Surjj July 25, 2008
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On of the sacred words kept by the knights who say "NI".

It can also be used as an expression of contempt.
-Hey, lets go get some ice cream.
-Yeah, Nee-wom!
by MuppetBonito April 27, 2011
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Wom army is a tiktok army text you friends wom to see what they say
Wom army is a tiktok army
by Sage the best September 28, 2021
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it's self-explanatory you sped
phrase invented by d4 and jabare and was popularised by insistic.
If you EVER use this phrase.. you have to pay the three individuals mentioned above a sizeable sum of money. The specifics can be discussed privately.
heh. wom up. KID.
by fweinpfenjpo March 22, 2021
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On of the sacred words kept by the knights who say "NI".

It can also be used as an expression of contempt.

Extending the "e" sound or chanting the word in poorly synchronized chorus can express further contempt.
Me: Hey, lets go get some ice cream.
Friend 1: Yeah, Nee-wom!

(Friends 2, 3 & 4 simultaneously)
Friend 2: Neeeeee-wom!
Friend 3: Neeeeeeee-wom!
Friend 4: Nee-wom!
by MuppetBonito's Friend June 25, 2011
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