To do a crypto-currency exchange exit scam.

Where the owners of an exchange disappear with your funds.
You better remove your funds before the "Big Vern holiday".
by freebasementwinner August 13, 2018
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The compliment to top all compliments, When someone is so beer, so frat, so sendy, and so nelk it is considered “Vern”.
“Bro did you seriously just toss in an upper decky lip pillow while Pullin bitties at Tiffs??? That’s so Vern bro”
by getmesomekeys October 17, 2022
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To watch someone closely while making zero attempt to hide you’re doing so. Similar to being “Bird dogged” but with more malicious intent
Hey look out, the boss is Vern Dogging us right now
by Wahhhindacabby October 19, 2023
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When you're walking in the beautiful Polson park and fall on a dirty needle.
I got dirty Verned the other day, been high for a month.
by June 19, 2024
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A dirty Vern is when u shit in a homeless guys ass crack and puts a 5 dollar bill in there this happens a lot in downtown vernon bc
I saw a girl give a homeless guy a dirty vern last night
by Wfd2003 November 3, 2020
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When one is living by the teachings of any wise old sage who runs a bakery, on is in fact, kickin it VERN style
Dude A: Hey dude B, what cha doin?

Dude B: Nothin, just drivin around.

Dude A: Now that's Kickin' It VERN Style.
by Rollin' W/ VERN December 1, 2009
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A dude with a small penis usually big and black
I'm glad I don't have a Vern
by Shamgod309 May 8, 2016
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