In addition to the Stolen Valor Act of 2013 (Federal law), Stolen Valor (Urban Dictionary) also encompasses the flaunting of prior peacetime military service (by way of hat/cap or other military garb), in order to obtain undeserved social benefits and/or in order to seek admiration, act cool, or be macho. Example: When a prior peacetime service member contracts a serious, sometimes-fatal disease, caused by prior intravenous, illicit drug use and thereafter that service member deceitfully obtains disability benefits from the U.S. Government and later uses a "Disabled Vet" license plate in order to park in handicapped spaces, when that individual's physical limitations are not impaired whatsoever.
Just another case of a parking thief using #Stolen Valor when nothing is wrong with them. A simple case of #Stolen Valor, urban style. He/she is just using #Stolen Valor to get in front of the others. If it were not for his/her #Stolen Valor, he/she would have to wait like the rest of us.
by Unstoppable Karma September 23, 2019
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A stupid little boy with a bad temper. Usually wears glasses and is a dork. Copies everyone and waddles like a penguin all the time. The weirdest and creepiest person you'll ever see. He's a stalker.
by Z-Army Leader November 5, 2014
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Like the phrase "valid point" but funnier and for gamers. The word 'Valorant' is used because the first 3 letters are the same as the word 'valid.'

Valorant is a free-to-play multiplayer tactical first-person shooter developed and published by Riot Games, for Microsoft Windows. First teased under the codename Project A in October 2019, the game began a closed beta period with limited access on April 7, 2020 followed by official release on June 2, 2020.
"This is so me when I-"
"What do you mean Dad? Mum was the victim of a vehicular homocide? That is a valorant point."
by valorantpoint October 9, 2020
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holding an angle and deciding to rotate exactly when the enemy peeks you (having bad luck)
Skye: "I left the party right before the hot girl got naked"
Lily: "Valorant timing."
by lilyeatscake June 4, 2022
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A miserable gathering of weaklings unable to understand the concept of "intelligence" or "Dignity."
I saw a Team Valor member bullying children and harrasing women.
As a member of the heroic Team Mystic, I put the vandal down.
by BlancheOfMystic July 14, 2016
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Valor Morgulus means "All Men Must Die" in High Valerian from "Game of Thrones".
Our Wing Commander said that those of us who will their have their own Talons could paint the nosecone of their aircraft with a name, and I'm going to have Valor Morgulus on mine!
by USAF Cadet November 7, 2020
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If you have a valorant accent your the most annoying, disgusting, and shittest player in valorant
Valorant accent: Not even trolling, Your actually trolling dude no cap, Skull emoji multiplied by 3.14159265359
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