A word for a tough guy. Someone who is a tough balls works out all the time and has huge pecs.
Who's this tough balls over here squatting 6,000 pounds
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a buffoon who is nonetheless robust, tenacious, and totally unbreakable
Barry might've blown off his left buttock with that firecracker gag, but I wouldn't mess with him because he'd destroy anyone in a fight. That' right, he's one tough clown!
by Tough Clown Advocate May 12, 2010
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A: Excuse me, but your smoke is going all over us.
B: Tough shit, fuckface.
by sajux March 2, 2015
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Even though I've lost all of my money, gotten mugged fourteen times in one night, got shot in the leg in four different spots, and got peed on by nine poodles, I will tough it out and keep on going.
by SmellyCindo September 15, 2011
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Problem with getting a tough sticker is that you can't exactly wash it off. That shit is for life.
by llamamamall October 8, 2010
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Is when you really don't want to do something, but it needs to be done. Toughing it out is one of the hardest things to practise on a daily basis. If you can accomplish the "thoughing it out" moral than you will be un-stoppable!
"I was up all night drinking and I had to be at work by 5am... I really dont want to be here, but I'm toughing it out."

Jon- "ah man hold on a sec, I got a sliver in my finger"
Gabe- "dude just tough it out we only have five more logs to load"
by Timmy Wall August 28, 2007
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a person who makes ostentatious pretenses to knowledge or skills and who will threaten physical violence upon being exposed
Guy 1: Man, Danny doesn't know crap about literature, but that's all he talks about--especially when he's trying to impress people at parties.

Guy 2: Well, I'd keep those comments to myself if I were you. If you expose him, he'll make a scene and maybe even threaten your life in front of everyone. He's one tough charlatan, all right.
by Danny is my enemy May 12, 2010
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