An ancient force of evil whose only need is to consume souls.
The Observer is here.
by Piperiniano November 21, 2021
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In other words, to spy on people and extort wrongful/excessive fines on them. It's what da fuzz is REALLY out to do to all of us.
With so many piglice out there trying to observe and collect from passing motorists, many folks might be better off foregoing a vehicle altogether, and just walk, bicycle, or use public transportation.
by QuacksO December 21, 2018
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A scientist who thinks that working on fishing boats counting and identifying numerous types of fish and marine species is a pretty sweet job. Doesn't enjoy getting seasick, but still spends at least 3 months of the year up in the Bering Sea, trying not to get sick while seeing more fish than most people will ever eat in a lifetime!
Everybody should be a fishery observer, but only those with a strong stomach can stick with it.
by plankton72 February 19, 2010
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A.k.a., "See Nile"; this term refers to a "somewhat-out-of-it" older person's delusional fantasies, hallucinations, forgetfulness, and other indications/symptoms of his being "in la-la land".
True story --- yesterday I helped my elderly disabled friend wif his home-entertainment system, then gave him a ride to da local convenience store. While there, I observed another elderly dude wif a fancy late-'90's Lincoln Town Car, and spoke admiringly to him about da car. I then went and sat in my own car to wait for my aged friend to finish shopping. When he did re-emerge from da store a few minutes later, he chatted a bit and expressed admiration to da antique car's owner as he was on his own way into da store, then turned and got into da car's front passenger's seat and closed da door. Well, naturally, I assumed dat da car's owner had himself offered my friend a ride home, and so I tentatively went to confirm wif my friend dat he would no longer need a ride home from me. He looked a bit puzzled at my question, and then said dat no, he'd still thought dat I was gonna transport him back to his apartment. I actually had to (super-pleasantly and gently, of course, since it was obviously just a completely honest mistake) verbally point out to him dat he was in fact sitting in a different car --- "Well, ummmmm... MY car is over there... you're sitting in this OTHER man's car" --- before he finally "woke up" to da fact dat he was currently occupying da wrong vehicle. So as we were leaving, I smilingly joked wif my friend dat perhaps he had begun to "observe Egyptian waterway", as in, to become somewhat "see Nile". He took my gentle jocular ribbing in good humor.
by QuacksO July 11, 2021
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Another form of observation. Used by many people around the world
I have made an observment!
by ObservmentIsAWord July 13, 2018
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Another form of observation. Many people use this word everyday.
I have made an observment!
by ObservmentIsAWord July 13, 2018
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How Is This Not A Word? I Was Sure It Is! Sure, I'm only in 5th grade)
Definition: OBSERVATE! (Spellcheck keeps changing it)

Observate is when you are observing something.
I will observate this sentence and highlight the details that I observed!
by Izzy J :) January 31, 2021
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