A semi large school mostly filled with "fresh" kids "hooking up" at parties thrown every night in traditional million dollar Mission Viejo homes that arn't ocupied by the overly botox injected/ conservative christian parents. A school known for a sucky football team who thinks that they're the shit. The theme song for the school is Black and Yellow, by Wiz Califia. Other than the sterotypes, Capo is an okay school with rudimentary drama that occurs almost everyday.
LIKE OMG, I went to that crazy Capo Valley High School party last weekend and my top fell off in the pool and I got so drunk that when I walked home, I couldn't remember the password into my gated community
by Allma July 3, 2011
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A building where the purest form of torture is bound to occur. Whether its from the shitty ass teachers or the guys forcing girls to give them blow jobs till they throw up. When you first walk into the school you will be welcomed by a wave of minty fresh air thanks to all the juuling. But thats not all! Walk in a little further and you will find weed in the bathrooms, and smuggled LSD tabs! Avoid the staircases or you might walk in on some actions that don't need to be seen by your virgin eyes. But beware if you run up the stairs too fast you might just tumble into another cheating scandal, each one headed by a douche-bag jock thats too busy practicing kissing his pillow to figure out how to do algebra 1. In the valley we pride ourselves on getting mediocre grades thanks to the 10 smart kids per grade that distribute their work to the rest of their class, but don't worry its not cheating when your hiding behind the macbook screen your daddy bought you.If you want to know more about our lovely school just give us a google where you can find some more of our scandals (and their sponsors) on the news.
Thanks to Great Valley High school i now have to deal with a lifetime of AIDS

Thanks to Great Valley High School the United States abortion rates have now increased by 2.8%
by satansidehoe69 January 21, 2019
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Castro valley high school a place where every pretty white girl in the school likes black guys while the ugly ones like eachother. Its populated by asians which make up around 60% of the school and there all obsessed with Boba and Animes. The teachers are also the age of yoda and the young ones dont teach you at all. Half the "normal" white kids are weeaboos to.
"Dude you want to go to Castro valley high school?"

" no im not trying to get assaulted by a bunch of weeaboos"
by Brunojg December 7, 2016
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this little white school has about 800 people and is surrounded by mountains. the majority of people that go here are pot heads that actually get good grades. but outside of this school basically everyone is either high on meth or wishing to get out
kern valley high school suck
by dil bob October 4, 2017
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Imagine a middle school full of Jewish fuckboys wearinh Sperrys and Vineyard Vines thinking they get mad poontang but really they just get flamed by other boys for looking like a douche bag. The school is also full of rich Jewish girls that talk about their "hard" life and then go back to their multi million dollar houses. Most of the girls are Thunder Cunts, and Land Whales. The teachers are weird and are probably all in cults such as the Illuminati. Don't even get me started with the haunted church and the tunnels under the school.
Jewish Girl 1: OMG these (Jewish) guys at Welsh Valley Middle School look so hot

Non Jewish Boy 1: does this whale need glasses?
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middle school which alot of rich jewish people go to, go here before harriton high school and has nice campus. gym teachers are really fucking weird and are probs pedophiles who choke on dick. filled with modertaly snobby hoes that are kinda of thunder cunts.
welsh valley middle school dragons womens basketball team is filled with thunder cunts
by thunder cunts April 1, 2010
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