the best guy you will ever meet. his eyes are usually the color of the sea, his hair ever so delicately positioned into style. He loves wearing plaid, but is shy. He is a heart breaker, but thats why every girl falls for him. He is absolutely hilarious, but sometimes awkward. He has many friends, and is very athletic.
Leslie: "Oh look! It's roy"
Zachary: "Aww hes sooo funny"
by frt3w March 13, 2010
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A charecter in Super Smash Bros that constantly and forever will beat the other girl of a charecter marth.
Man roy kicked so much fuckin ass last night, that marth guy really needs to step it up
by DogfaceManbearpig November 15, 2007
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Roy means red or king, two of which are very powerful. Red being the color of fire the burns brightly and king being he's a leader. He takes charge of himself and his loved ones. He's awkward, handsome, tall, has a scar on the right side of his face that runs from his temple down to his cheek from slaying a dragon while trying to save his princess from being kept in a tower by a spell that only true loves kiss can break hahahaha just kidding he got it when he was a child by accident. He is indeed a genuinely sincere person. He is someone who believes too much and loves too strongly. He has a lover that loves him more than he knows. Roy is a Queens King. He doesn't give up easily and never stops trying.
I bet he's a Roy!

Roys are so unique and rare!

If you come across a Roy, make him your baby daddy!

You're lucky if you found a Roy.
by SnoopieGurl October 12, 2013
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Someone so unbelievably annoying and stupid you wonder why he didn’t drink bleach when he was five
Person1: who is that?
Person2: its roy
Person1: oh fuck me try to ignore him
by I_eat_dick October 19, 2021
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To expell feces out of the anus.

Another word for taking a poop.
I just ate Taco Bell and now I gotta go take a huge roy.

Dude, maybe we should go check on Kara. She went to go take a roy like 3 hours ago.

The toilet is clogged up again! Jared Mason must have taken one of his famous roys.
by John Davidson June 2, 2006
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Another way to call someone fat, EXTREMELY FAT.
Damn Matthew got hella Roy over summer. Dude needs to stop sitting his ass on the computer all day eating chips.
by John Matthew 666 March 27, 2020
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Ali:Brandon Jennings and Tyreke Evans are shining with the Kings and the Bucks.

Brandon: I wonder who will be the ROY.
by hk1994 December 6, 2009
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