when a penis is used to launch a beer cap into beer pitcher placed on a platform approx. 7 feet up , and from about 4 feet out from the shooter.
comparable to throwing a paper ball into a trash can, only much more precise and with your penis.

turn the side opposite to your launching arm towards your target, then place a bottle cap on hand supported male genitalia, focus on target. Once ready , use a rapid upward movement of the arm to propel the cap up,over, and into the beer pitcher(Bouncing off the ceiling is allowed). Best results occur with a strong follow through, and although the arm movement will generate nearly all the force needed make the shot , the last point of contact must be the penile unit itself.

Verifying the shot:

The "R.J.S." should be attempted with at least one witness present. Filming it in one continuous shot is allowed if you have no friends willing to stare at your flipping dong for extended periods of time.

Safety: after extended hauls of "rick james shot" attempts its wise to rest your catapult for at least a half an hour, and rethink your life. Also make sure to use the smooth side of the bottle cap, to avoid dick tetanus.

Tradition:On completion of a shot, It is customary to buy a new shooter a sixer of pbr, as the "R.J.S." is extremely difficult, and calls or celebration.
One cold Wisconsin night house mates Jim and Mitch where tossing bottle caps into a beer pitcher in there kitchen, when fellow renter joey appeared with his pants around his ankles, and a bottle cap resting on his baloney pony. He then proceeded to launch the bottle cap, flinging his bottle capped Wang towards the target. Upon completion of the shot townsfolk proclaimed," Hurra! A rick james shot was made this day!"
by Shiv Stonebasch February 12, 2013
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Hey Im out of Rick James got any?
Dude I was soooo Rick James last night.
by Yourmom2 December 7, 2007
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The act of masturbating with an empty toilet paper roll until you reach climax, then right after climax you scream at the top of your lungs "I'm Rick James bitch!".
When I get lonely I sometimes spoil my self with a dirty Rick James.
by So-called October 2, 2021
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causing catastrophic events disruptly all over the place in a wave of un-controlled impulsive energy, someone who is accident-prone
Becky : Dam , i love this song..."sh*T" i just spilt kool-aid all over the place
Chris : Ya.. especially the keyboard part.. way to go, ya just pulled a Rick James!
by pandapants February 15, 2009
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Ejaculating into a female's (or male's) nose after sexual intercourse, then proceeding to snort the ejaculate as though it were cocaine. The Rick James MHA Plus Edition involves mixing the ejaculate with actual cocaine before snorting.
Friend 1: "YO man i jerked off in her fuking nose and she snorted it! Thats fucked up eh?"

Friend 2: "no man thats just the Rick James. Bitch."
by SiennaPrivate March 4, 2008
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The process by which a person can become obsessed with crossing personal boundaries, pushing personal boundaries further.

The act of stepping across the line habitually; thus, one becomes a habitual line-stepper.
The patient exhibited symptoms of Rick James Theorem.
According to Rick James Theorem, this type of behavior will continue and get progressively worse.
by Dr. Mario M August 12, 2010
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