Jonah is a total nerd, he can rant about his hobbies hours on end. He spends all his money on things he doesn't need, and boasts about how rare something is. Jonah listens to and watches things from the 80's, like Star Wars or Men Without Hats. Don't say something wrong about his fandoms, or he will give you a 20-minute lecture about how wrong you are. He doesn't show his emotions much and he acts like a robot, but when he does show his emotions, it's usually about something he is very passionate about.
P1: I just saw Jonah.

P2: What was ha talking about this time?
by why are there so many 'bean' u December 10, 2019
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a sexy guy who loves to have sex and has a giant penis and is amazing having sex all the girls want to fuck his brains out and he loves it
Yo man I fuck 5 girls last night I'm such a Jonah
by robber1q2 January 15, 2010
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a sweet, sweet, awkward, kind, caring boy who is shy but opens up once you get to know him. he is childish and watches cartoons for fun and enjoys riding his bike. he is a great dancer and has a great sense of humor. he’s the type of person that is always there for you. his favorite colors are usually light blue light purple and light orange. hes kind of a romantic.
Jonah is the best
by kaitlynandava October 20, 2019
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A jonah is a very special person with very special skills like flirting with young childrens ages 7-10. He usually has a basic middle part and tends to be gay and kissing hundreds of men
by theallstar123 May 17, 2022
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A blonde, creepy shithead of a human being
Jonahs stuck my pencil up his ass!
by beetledickjuice September 7, 2020
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You’ll fall in love with Jonah’s personality and looks. You’ll fall in love with the way he talks and all of his red flags too… you guys will date and you’ll think everything is great. you’ll facetime and laugh and say Goodmorning and goodnight. Then one day he’ll break up with you and shatter your heart. You’ll wish you could blame him but you can’t because you know that he’s right, and that it wasn’t gonna last and that it’s just right person wrong time. So you learn to deal with it after hours of crying and realize that you would rather see him happy without you, than miserable with you. Love you jonah, but that was really shitty❤️
Jonah I love you!
Omg Jonah are you breaking up with me?
by People who did me dirty April 14, 2022
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A large Aussie bogan who is responsible for everything.
"When in doubt, blame Jonah."
Guy 1, "I think I left my phone at school,"
Guy 2, "I would blame Jonah."
by Skipper the Dipper November 17, 2016
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